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Men of Miami County: Men Helping Men Be Better Men

Writer: Paul HemmingerPaul Hemminger

Updated: Dec 15, 2024

Helping the 36,000 Men in Miami County Be Well


Men have such opportunity and power to be a force for good. However, many men are disconnected, unwell, and long for deep friendships.


A men's wellness network, a brotherhood, that helps men reclaim and heal their stories - to become the sons, friends, husbands, fathers, and employees they've always wanted to become.


  1. 2025: Gather the willing. Men who are and want to be well. Not limited to, but seeking wise men over 50. Will gather 6 times.

  2. Map the existing men's networks. Find the champions within each network as inviters and catalyzers for positive transformation.

  3. Plan 2-hour quarterly gathering around the 12 dimensions of wellness (provided by dmb coaching).

  4. 2026: Begin meeting quarterly for all men. Core team will meet 4 additional times throughout the year.

  5. If interested in this network, email Dwayne Wilson and Please Fill Out This Form

Seeking Representatives from each of the following Tribes of Men:

  • Different Employers

  • Clubs (Eagles, VFW, Fish & Game, etc.)

  • Service Organizations (Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimists, etc.)

  • Community Leaders in Government, Business, Non-Profit, etc.

  • Church Men’s Ministry Leaders

  • Addiction/Recovery Community

  • Friend Groups

  • Young Men (18-26)

  • Young Dads (26-35)

  • Foster, Adoptive, Kinship, and Step-Dads (aka the Non-Bio Brotherhood)

  • Elders (60 +)

Stages of the Masculine Journey

Boyhood: Am I loved and delighted in?

Ranger: Am I seen and guided?

Lover: Can I love honorably?

Warrior: Do I have what it takes?

King: Can I be entrusted with power to reign?

Elder-Sage: Have I lived well - do I have something to give?

12 Dimensions of Life Provided by DMB Coaching -
12 Dimensions of Life Provided by DMB Coaching -

If interested in this network, email Dwayne Wilson and Please Fill Out This Form



You are Seen and Loved.


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