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Image by Iswanto Arif

"I'll go into the pit...

...if you hold the ropes." Our team of rope holding resource partners are the vital life-blood of this work. We are truly one team, co-laboring on mission for collective transformation.


Begin partnering by clicking here or completing the form below

Current Campaign


Click here or the button above to learn about this fundraising campaign.


We will tell the  100's of  stories I've catalogued over the years.  When we do, resources will flow to those who need them. Partner to Transform.

Partnering Anonymously


Silent Donor is the largest anonymous donation platform in the world, allowing all donors to send fully anonymous and tax-deductible donations to the causes they'd like to support.


I’ve spoken with their team and StoryConnect is now a non-profit partner capable of receiving your anonymous donation.

These are the two simple steps:


  1. Click this link to access their private platform and choose how to donate.

  2. Simply write in “StoryConnect EIN: 92-0484332” where it asks for the “Full Name of the Organization to Receive Your Donation”.

If you want to learn more about why I sometimes donate anonymously, learn how to receive confirmation receipts, see examples of other organizations that use Silent Donor, or read an article from the Chronicle of Philanthropy about their platform click here.


Changemaker Champion Circle 

These Changemaker Champions change the world by unleashing resources to grow the team, completing project/campaigns, and providing backbone operational support for StoryConnect.  

They raise funds to change the world by activating their network. They provide individual introductions, make asks, collect donations anonymously, host info gatherings (formally and informally), and/or invite to fundraising events.

Each Champion commits to a goal and along the way we celebrate.  A goal is an annual and monthly amount by a certain date.  Below are some of our champions, networks and their goals. 

If you want to become a champion you can email Paul (Founder/Executive Director) or Teddy (Board President).

Our Champions

Teddy Brown
Friends, Previous Employers, Church, Grants

Annually:  $0/5,000
Monthly: $0/2,000
by: ___________

This green box is extra long to make room for pages 2 and 3 of this embedded partner form.

Thank You. Love to You.

Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) Friends

The below information is listed for you to expediently complete your process.  

Organization Name: StoryConnect

EIN: 92-0484332

Organization Address:


Attn: Paul Hemminger

2055 Swailes Road

Troy, OH 45373

You are Seen and Loved.


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