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We don't have a resource problem - 
we have a Connection Problem.

Curating the Connection Craft that Solves Our Connection Problems

We Connect You to Stories, Connections, and Networks for Transformation.

Image by Linus Sandvide

Through our posts, podcasts, and other story efforts, we activate individuals and connect communities to solve problems using the resources they already have. 


What connections and relationships do you need right now? Who are you seeking to serve, strengthen, heal, support, and partner with?  You need it for yourself and others. Let us help.

Image by Alina Grubnyak

Helping You Transform what you care about - Wherever you Live, Work, Worship, Play, and for Whom Your Heart Breaks. Network Power fuses people with a common "why" to win together. 

Image by nikko macaspac

Connecting to

We live in the Greatest Love Story in the midst of the Fiercest War.  


The Fiercest War Rages around us and in us.

The Greatest Love Fully Knows and Loves You. 

When you know and experience this to the core, you heal and heal others. You become a loving soldier.


 When We do it together, arm-in-arm, we push back darkness with light.  We are called for Adventure.


The Greatest Love Story Reclaims Lost Ground. 

We all Win.

What's Your Next Step?

Home: Contact

Let's Connect.

Mother Theresa was once asked, "Are you even being successful?"


She replied "Senator, I'm not called to be successful, I'm called to be faithful."

What are you invited to be faithful with? 

"We cannot do great things. Only small things with Great Love." - Mother Theresa


Let's take the small, faithful, and loving next step together.  Fill out this form to connect.

You are Seen and Loved.


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